The Report Builder dialogue follows a stepper process that should make efficient and easy to manage.
Step 1: Name the Report, select a View, and set your Sharing preferences.
Step 2: Select the Entity and the Global Date. The Entity is the data set that you wish to use for the report. The Global Date is a primary filter on the field that designated as the Global Date on that Entity. Usually that field is the Primary Date field in the data set. This is an important filter because it controls the query that fetches the data from our servers.
Step 3: Add the Fields that you wish to see in the Report. From this section, you can add appropriate filters, thresholds, and parameters.
Step 4: Set the Summary Options. If you turn on the Summary option, you can choose how you want to group the Summary. You can summarize the data by multiple fields.
You can also add a Summary Row, which will add a row at the bottom of the output on a table that will contain a Summary of the rows on the report. For example, you may want to list all records of Units Sold in a month, and then show a total at the bottom in the Summary Row.
Please note that the default summary combination is Sum. If you would like to combine the fields in a Summary as something other than Sum (i.e. Average), you can do so by go back to the Fields section and setting the ‘Combine by’ on each field.
Step 5: Set the Operation Order. The final step in the new Report Builder will be where you set the appropriate Order of Operation for Filters, Formula Fields, and the Summary step. You can change the Order of Operation by dragging the fields to different positions on the list.
Finally, you may download or save the report.